Why Do People Make You Mad?

Have you ever wondered why you get on with some people and not with others? And why some people seem not to get on with you?

We all have natural behavioural styles with some inherent traits like assertiveness, empathy, logicality, orderliness, and so on. You don’t get on just with those who have similar traits to yourself but, individually, you can find it difficult to build rapport with people who have certain traits.

What may disagree with you is how the person behaves. This might be their attention to detail, or the lack of it, their concern for people (empathy), or the lack of it, their assertiveness, or their passivity, and so on.

If you could deduce their behavioural style, and therefore what makes them tick, you could not only improve your communication with them but also understand why they behave the way they do. And DISC enables you to do just that!

What we do

We help individuals to:

  • Understand their own behavioural style and its impact on others;
  • Read (deduce) the behavioural styles of people they know and meet including family and friends

How we do it

We use:

  • The Everything DiSC® Workplace profile for the behavioural assessment of individuals;
  • Optional debriefing sessions for better DISC understanding and learning

Why Everything DiSC®?

The use of psychometric tools such as DISC for people assessment and development is well established and understood by HR professionals. DISC has been used for individual assessment for about 50 years but using it for to deduce the personalities of people you know and meet has mostly slipped the attention of professionals – much like the Apple MacOS lost the overall sales battle to MS Windows despite the former’s earlier release and alleged superiority.

DISC enables you to read (deduce) anyone’s behavioural style because it is based only on observable behaviours. You can use that information to build better rapport and improve your relationship with the other person. But perhaps one of the unsung benefits of DISC is that it is Fun, giving you hidden insights into the people you know and the people you meet.

What makes us different?

DISCprofiles’s principals have a background in business as well as having expertise in HR. We’re the first to bring behavioural profiling including online workshops to the public.

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