Everything DiSC® Sales Profile

Stock code: edsapr

The Everything DiSC® Sales Profile helps you to better understand yourself and your customers. In this 23-page profile, you will explore your own sales style and how your strengths and challenges influence your selling behaviours... 


The Everything DiSC® Sales Profile helps you to better understand yourself and your customers. In this 23-page profile, you will explore your own sales style and how your strengths and challenges influence your selling behaviours. You'll also learn to recognise the different behavioural buying styles of your customers and prospects and modify your sales pitch accordingly to increase your rapport with customers and increase your chances of making the sale. This Profile is for sales team members, including one-man bands, in any sized business, who want to increase their sales performance by adding a behavioural technique to their sales armoury.

*Our Profile reports are packed with useful information and they are written in an easy-to-read, every day English.

**Visit our Sales pages for information on our Sales programs