Selling methodologies and techniques have evolved since they were first recognised in the early 1900s. Most recently, question based methodologies such as Rackham’s SPIN® Selling, established in the seventies, have been challenged by value-added methodologies such as Dickson & Adamson’s The Challenger Sale®.
Our contribution to improving Selling performance is by using a behavioural approach that HR professionals have apparently overlooked for the last 50 years.
What we do
Our DISCprofiles approach to Selling has 2 innovative features:
- We advocate that your salespeople should sell (pitch) according to their natural behavioural style, rather than to a stifling and unified corporate style;
- We teach them how to adapt their sales pitches to suit the behavioural styles of their customers and prospects
The former makes your sales people more comfortable selling to their natural behavioural style, making the salesperson appear authentic and confident. The latter feature, being able to react and adapt to the customer’s behavioural style, further builds rapport and increases the chances of clinching the sale.
In addition to our niche Selling services, you can find our improving individual and team productivity services [here] including The Five Behaviours of a Cohesive Team® for improving team performance.
How we do it
We use:
- The Everything DiSC® Sales Profile for the behavioural assessment and development of sales people;
- Optional follow-up CAP(s) (coaching action plans) to embed learnings
Why Everything DiSC®?
The use of psychometric tools for people development is well established and understood by HR professionals. DISC has been used for individual and team development for about 50 years but using it for sales enhancement has mostly eluded the HR community – much like the Apple MacOS lost the overall sales battle to MS Windows despite the former’s earlier release and alleged superiority.
As DISC is based only on observable behaviours, it enables anyone who knows DISC to deduce the behavioural styles of anyone they meet and, in the case of prospects and customers, use that information to build better rapport and dynamically amend one’s pitch to align it with the buying style of the prospect, thus increasing the chance of making the sale.
DISC is an assessment tool for individuals. Our selection of DISC over other psychometric tools was deliberate for a number of reasons such as:
- DISC is based only on observable behaviours;
- It is therefore easy for your people to understand;
- They actually find it fun to learn and use;
- It follows you’ll find it more cost-effective to implement than other tools;
- It works!
Our business model
We can discuss your needs directly with you and your Sales Department or we can liaise with your HR people. Every thing we do can be bespoken to your exact requirements.
Contact us now for a friendly chat...
What makes us different
DISCprofiles's principals have a background in business as well as having expertise in HR. This is why we have a niche in the use of DiSC for Selling as well as in its traditional uses for individual and team development.