The Five Behaviors® Team Development Profile Powered by All Types®

Stock code: 5batpr

The Five Behaviors Team Development Profile Powered by All Types* measures the current state of team cohesion against Lencioni's The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team® model...


The Five Behaviors Team Development Profile Powered by All Types* measures the current state of team cohesion against Lencioni's The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team® model. The All Types personality profile of every team member is used to show how their behavioural style strengthens or challenges their approach to team working. The Profile picks an Action Plan of 3 challenges for the team to improve cohesion. This Profile is suitable for stable teams of 5-12 members. for more information.

*All Types based on Jungian Types and MBTI compatible.

**Also see The Five Behaviors® Team Development Facilitation Kit Powered by All Types*